Category: Solving Granite Problems

  • Rotoworld Article – Featuring Winsell Granites

    Rotoworld Article – Featuring Winsell Granites Winsell Website Call Now! – 330.836.7421 Their best year ever!

  • We Are Lucky to Have You!

    We Are Lucky to Have You! Rotational Molding Winsell Granites for our customers feels like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Check us out on Facebook.

  • You Go to the Bank – Creating Value for You

    You Go to the Bank $$ – Creating Value for You $$ If you are a rotational molder this is for you and is created to help you reach your goals.  The Winsell Granite product line is designed to help you go to the bank and prosper tremendously.  We are 100% focused on making the best granites…

  • Granites: A Vendor Dilemma

    Granites: A Vendor Dilemma By R. Dru Laws, Seljan Company For most rotomolders, material procurement is crucial to overall success. To keep project bids competitive and continue winning business we must carefully control the costs of everything that goes into our products. Historically this has meant we attempt to become master negotiators and will stop…

  • Winsell vs. The Field

    That’s right, the entire field of competitors tried and failed multiple times.  The customer tried desperately to get a solution that worked. It was game on.  If you were placing a bet it would sound like, “Who do you take, Winsell or the field?”

  • Matching Your Rotationally Molded Granite

    Oh NO!  A dreaded granite match – I am scared to Death!!!!! We keep swimming into deep water…it’s become a habit of ours. Granites may scare the daylights out of you.  You might hate running granites.  You might even cringe uncontrollably when your customer brings up the dreaded word, Granites!


      Winsell Granites – We Do Granites for Plastic Rotational Molding All of our strategic energy is directed to innovation and improvement of the plastic granite molding compounds we make for rotational molding.  We take this so seriously that we created a statement to express our total focus. Winsell’s 100% Focus

  • The Dreaded Streaks and Swirls

    What is the #1 problem with rotationally molded granites?  Solve this problem with Winsell Granites! THE DREADED STREAKS AND SWIRLS! Life with swirls in your Granite Have you ever purchased some granite material from a company that did it as a troublesome “service” to the roto customers and it unfortunately didn’t work?