Outdoor Living – The Winsell Student Product Design Focus


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Discover New Outdoor Living

The New Winsell Student Product Design Focus

Outdoor LivingEnjoying an energizing and fulfilling outdoor life experience based on wholesome and healthy activities that build the relationships which are most important to us.

Your Ultimate Gateway to Innovation: The focus of the exciting The 2016-2017 Winsell Student Product Design Competition is Outdoor Living as described above.  Of course, as in prior successful years the competition is exclusively for rotationally molded products made with Winsell Granites.

Student Designers can draw upon the demonstrated design excellence of former years, the vast array of Winsell Granite options and the many suggestions shared in this blog post to jump start their ideation.  Remember this: Student Designers are the future of product design.  It is a proven guarantee that the future belongs to the young.

Any type of new backyard outdoor living product concepts are acceptable for this competition.  What fun things do you like to do with friends and family in the outdoors?  Make it better.  How can a new product benefit and add to the fun in the lives of your friends and family?  Make it more fun.

Dream Really Big! Do the essential work. Make a thoughtful plan. Execute diligently. Think creatively. Take calculated risks. Do your needed homework. Work as a good team. Seek enlightened inspiration. Ask questions. Open your amazing mind.

You can do this!  Students from prior years have created some amazing new concepts.  You can do it too.

For thought starters, a few websites to check out are:

Home Depot, Sears, Outdoor Living, Plow Hearth, Admiral Enterprises, Barrette Outdoor Living.

Also, check out these creative outdoor images.

south-west-outdoor-living www.admiralenterprises.com


Strong SpaBest Spas from Strong Spas




And from www.carinem.com, healthy and fun


From Lowes a great gathering place for family;


Really great space from montgranite.com


Dream Big! Do the work. #Make a plan. Execute. Think. Take risks. Do your homework. Work as a team. Seek inspiration. Ask. Open your mind.

 From the magazine Luxury Retreats.  Make something new!

Big Hollow Parts.

 Also, lots if ideas and colors on our Facebook Page.

Winsell Website.

Good Luck with your designs!!

Granites for plastics

We build our granites for you.

How to have your best year ever!

100% Focus.

Rotoworld Article – Featuring Winsell Granites