Category Archives: Matching your granite

Our Deep Gratitude for You & Our Gratitude for Winsell Granites

Our Deep Gratitude for You & Our Gratitude for Winsell Granites

Our hearts are filled with deep gratitude for you, our customers, the ultimate Winsell Granite business and participants in the Winsell Student Roto Product Design Competition.  We appreciate you.  We love making Winsell Granites for proven and new customers.

Cicero said, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” Continue reading Our Deep Gratitude for You & Our Gratitude for Winsell Granites

You Go to the Bank – Creating Value for You

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You Go to the Bank $$ – Creating Value for You $$

If you are a rotational molder this is for you and is created to help you reach your goals.  The Winsell Granite product line is designed to help you go to the bank and prosper tremendously.  We are 100% focused on making the best granites possible so you can grow your business as much as possible.  A few of our customers feel like we’ve done just that for them. Continue reading You Go to the Bank – Creating Value for You

Granites: A Vendor Dilemma

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Granites: A Vendor Dilemma

By R. Dru Laws, Seljan Company

For most rotomolders, material procurement is crucial to overall success. To keep project bids competitive and continue winning business we must carefully control the costs of everything that goes into our products. Historically this has meant we attempt to become master negotiators and will stop at nothing to reduce material costs when possible. Novice purchasers may even try to pit their suppliers against each other in a continuous bidding war, which never ends, and no one ever wins. Continue reading Granites: A Vendor Dilemma

They said it’s their best year ever!

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It’s Their Best Year Ever!

How did they do it?  We all seem to want the best year ever.  Curious?  Read on to find out why it happened.

One of our best customers is having their best year ever.  According to them it is in part because of their success with Winsell Granites.  Also credit is due to the molder that is doing a tremendous job.  Shouldn’t this be your story next?  Read on and then give us a call!

They were really struggling before we began working together.  Maybe they even felt like this fella shown below.  They felt just like this, banging their head against the wall because they couldn’t get enough product fast enough that looked the same each time!  Why put up with the brick wall?  Why put up with the pain?

a man banging his head agaist the wall in frustration

Continue reading They said it’s their best year ever!

The Big Hollow TM!


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The Big Hollow Plastic Solution!

Industrial Designers of IDSA, look no further for great looking large hollow plastic parts.  We like to call it The Big Hollow TM.  These big products are made using the amazing rotational molding process.  The Granite materials Winsell offers are specifically designed for this versitile rotational molding process.

Strong Spa

Here is another really big part made with Winsell Granites.  Big or small, our granites can help your proprietary products sell more successfully with increasing margins.

Cellofoam Jet Dock

Continue reading The Big Hollow TM!

Your Product Development Your New Granite


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Your Product Development Your New Granite

8 good

Your product development with Winsell Granites specifically designed for your application is a phone call away.

Rotational molding and new product innovation are improved greatly with the right material.  This article is about the right material, Winsell Granites.

The Winsell Granites continue to solve tough problems, create value and help our customers and designers chart a new path to growth.

Product designers can now incorporate color up front in their creative to expand options for design.  Read on to find out how.

This is the moment when picking up the phone can calling is the right thing to do.  Listen to your first impression!

330.836.7421 Winsell Granite Hotline!


Continue reading Your Product Development Your New Granite

Some vendors are fun to talk with…

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Why Winsell Granites?

Some vendors are fun to talk with…

Yes, there are some suppliers of rotationally molded granite effect colors that are just lots of fun to talk to but that’s where it starts and ends.

Someone really smart on our team recently said, “Hey, you can still play golf with those guys and have a drink, but buy the granites from the Winsell team because we are focused 100% on it.” Continue reading Some vendors are fun to talk with…

Winsell Granites – Built for You!

Proven Winsell Granites – Built for you!

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This entire Winsell Granite business is set up for you if you are a small to medium sized rotational molder, product designer or a user of larger volumes of rotational molding granites.

Here are some of the things our Granites can do for you like the products shown here.

KolorcanEmsco Rock Emsco Rain BarrelEco Fairy Garden


The Winsell Granite Difference Continue reading Winsell Granites – Built for You!